How Brand Strategy can Support your Business

Everyone in the biz is talking about brand strategy right now and for good reason. There’s so much confusion about what brand strategy really is because there are no real, clear rules differentiating what makes strategy = brand strategy. Some designers believe that brand strategy is when someone conceptualizes a trio of logos and a mood board. It can be… but for others, it’s when a logo is combined with a website. For me? Well, I believe brand strategy is and needs to be so much more.

Your Brand is More than a Pretty Design

As a brand designer, I know just how important brand design really is (let’s hope I do, or else my clients are going to be up a creek). However, a lot of business owners, especially those just starting out, believe a brand is simple — it’s merely a name and a logo that can be slapped onto a business card and touched up whenever the occasion calls for it.

This is Such a NO-NO!

I won’t sugar coat it for you kiddos, your name and logo are absolutely crucial parts of your brand, but it is important to understand and, for the love of all that is holy, ingrain this statement in your memory:

“Your brand is the perception people have of your business. “

Perception, kids. Perception! The perception you want, the perception you need is created by the words you say and write; your actions and your beliefs, and the overall aesthetic of the design you choose for your brand. You see where simplicity meets complexity in branding now, right? So much more goes into your brand than a pretty logo or cutsie business name.

The Big Picture

To get in tune with your brand, first focus on the big picture (your mission, your target audience, your goal, etc.) before you start focusing on just one piece of this truly stellar puzzle you are creating. I sincerely hope you like puzzles because your brand is going to be one of those huge 2,000 piece orange kittens in a woven basket with white whiskers that your grandmother gave you for Christmas if you catch my drift. If you look at your brand as a whole you will be able to see if your brand pieces are fitting together cohesively or if you’re missing pieces.

Get a little Help on My Tab!

Not a huge fan of grandma’s kitten puzzle and want a little extra help? Check out my fully interactive Brand Strategy Guide book (totally free!) that helps you get clear on your brand’s mission, messaging, positioning, audience, goals, and so much more! Click the link below and grab your free download.


Building a brand strategy will give you the game plan you need in order to build consistency for the cohesive brand design you desire. It doesn’t matter how pretty a brand looks on the outside if it can’t produce quality content, consistent messaging, and clear positioning.

PRO TIP: Throwing a band-aid over the flaws in your strategy (your missing pieces) won’t turn your business into a success. Own your flaws, strategize a solid game plan to fill the holes with quality content, consistent messaging, and clear positioning, and build a solid foundation. Yes, friends, this does take time but in the beginning, you have nothing but time on your side. Start right to end right.

Why is Strategy so Important?

If you think about it, strategy in any part of life is important because you step back, assess your situation and adjust for improvements. With brand strategy, we’re doing the exact same thing. Clearly assessing your goals, defining your strategy in terms of how you achieve each milestone, and walking the path to get there means you will be able to walk away with a better sense of clarity and confidence… and a stellar brand that will stand the test of time if you are lucky.

PRO TIP: Branding is not a one-and-done-thing

Hiring a Designer

A common misconception by most people (many that I’ve encountered at least) is that once you hire a brand designer you get your brand delivered and, boom, the process is done. What the…? I don’t know how this idea was concocted or who they talked to in order to even begin molding such a theory of their own but this is not the case — and I make it known at the very beginning of all of my client onboarding sessions. I realize this is the era of instant gratification, I suffer from it as well, however, there are some things that you do not rush and this is one of them. What is the point I’m trying to drive home in this post again? Oh, right. That branding is not the same as brand design. Brand strategy can mean one thing to one person and something completely different to someone else.

You went ahead and remembered this for me, right my dear friend?

“Your brand is how people perceive your business meaning, every interaction with your audience builds perfection. You are constantly shaping and forming your brand’s perception (whether you know it or not)… so branding is a constant, forever process.”

Your amazing designer handed you a gorgeous brand that you adore. Awesome! But that doesn’t mean your work is over. In fact, your work is just beginning! Don’t be scared. Things only go up from here. Keep in mind the kitten puzzle we talked about. We’re going to keep putting our pieces together.

Let’s start tying in design, messaging, communication, actions. I hope you’ve done right by yourself and wrote down your plan. Hopefully in a very organized list format that even the most OCD of list lovers (hand up over here!) would be proud of. Without a detailed plan of action, it’s easy to veer off course.


You want to take your brand from where it is now (Point A) to where you desire it to be (Point B). How are you going to get there? By using your brand strategy as your map, duh! Let your brand strategy be your guiding light, your compass; your north star. This is why we designed it to let it do the heavy lifting.

A Few Things to Keep in Mind

When looking for a brand designer to work with be sure to ask them what their approach is to brand strategy. You will be able to tell if they have a broad understanding of what brand strategy entails or if it is purely design-focused. Whatever their focus, the only thing that matters is if it aligns with yours. If you truly want to take your brand to the highest level where you can attain your goals and continue raising the bar in alignment with your goals you will want to consider a brand designer who has a deep understanding of the power brand strategy holds.

Did you know?

As of March 2022, New Love Design Co is in the top 20 Small Business Branding Agencies by DesignRush.

DesignRush experts are skilled at identifying and ranking the top small business branding agencies with the capability and know-how to maximize their client’s potential in order to build memorable, engaging, high-converting brands that drive sales.

And now, New Love is on the list!

Check out the Author!


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