Fifty Call to Action verbs to convert your Marketing

Working in marketing is the ultimate pond to familiarize yourself with the big, bad call to action. Before I ever started dipping my toes in the waters of design, I would often work with small teams of 3, sometimes larger teams of 15 depending on the size of the project, to brainstorm just what “words” would speak to our target market fast and effectively so we could gain the competitive edge needed to convert our leads into sales.

With every database of emails containing between 4,000-15,000 emails on their lists, you can imagine we sent out A lot of emails, monthly specials, events, announcements, and even hand-packaged letters for that personal touch clients love so much. 

The most important aspect of this process was that with every email, every letter, every announcement we pushed through there had to be a STRONG call-to-action that was clear to our client and not lost amongst the majority. This call-to-action was the most important part of what we were sending and had to be the main focal point whether it stood out boldly or were hidden amongst bigger elements. 

PRO TIP: Whether it be B2C or B2B marketing, emails and CTA’s are always going to be of high importance. This is how you send your message. Whether you have a blog or are simply attempting to drive traffic to a link via one webpage to another, you still need solid, time-sensitive CTA’s to drive home that importance and value. 

call to action

Getting Creative with Call-to-Action Words

If you are looking to give your brand more personality and want your audience to glimpse through the looking glass at just who are, then perhaps speak directly when given the opportunity through website content, marketing materials, and like. 

Example: Taking a look at my website, you will notice I speak directly to my audience (you, love!) as “love, lovey, loves” and this is because I speak like this. The words flow out of my mouth, down to my fingertips and I write them because I feel I am speaking directly to you (in the least crazy sense possible). 

Another example: You will see throughout my website calls-to-action on buttons that don’t state yes or no or click here, subscribe, or join. How impersonal, right? I want you to feel empowered and straight-up pumped about what you are about to click on! 

So this is what are you going to do. 

You are going to say NO to impersonal messaging like: 

  • Learn more
  • Sign Up
  • Subscribe
  • Join Here
  • About Me 

Say Yes to these 25 free examples: 

  1. Download my Ebook Now!
  2. I want to join ___ mission!
  3. Create my free account! 
  4. See what I’m up to now! 
  5. Yes, Please! 
  6. Yes, I’m Ready! 
  7. Free Goods? Yes, Please! 
  8. Start my free course! 
  9. I want to be an Expert now!
  10. Claim my free trial today!
  11. Give ____ a Free Try 
  12. Send me ____ Now 
  13. Talk to ____ Now 
  14. Let’s get started!
  15. Let’s Go! 
  16. Get access now! 
  17. Explore my Options
  18. Grab your Free Ebook 
  19. Get in the Know 
  20. Join the tribe
  21. Heck to the Yes! 
  22. Let’s get Chatting!
  23. Yes, I want more!
  24. Loop me in
  25. No Strings attached, free! 

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Call to Action Terms that Convert
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