10 Questions to Ask Before you Start Designing your Brand

No brainer, right? Who are you doing all of this hard work for, love?! Who is the person you are to trying to help; your “dream client,” per se.
1. Who are you Trying to Reach?

Designing you brand should be a no brainer, right? Who are you doing all of this hard work for, love?! Who is the person you are to trying to help; your “dream client,” per se. Can you imagine what like/dislike? Try to think deeply and write down what you know about them.

2. What problem are you going to solve for them?

What service/product do you provide that is going to relieve their struggles? How is it that you can help them better than anyone else can? Remind them why they came looking for you in the first place. Try to imagine how they were feeling before they started their search for you and even more, how you want them to feel when they land on your page.

3. Who are your competitors?

These are the people who are offering the same services/products as you or at least similar. If you do your branding correctly, you aren’t really “competing” with anyone – you are your “own” entity and people will come to you for that personality you give. We both know you project nothing but amazingness – so let’s makes sure your audience knows about it.

4. What differentiates you from them?

This is so clear – remember when I said you project nothing but amazingness? Well, here’s what you’re bringing to the table. What is “the thing” that makes you different or unique? What would make your people choose you over someone else? Why are YOU the best fit for YOUR dream clients?

5. Think of 3-4 for words that describe how you want your brand to FEEL.

Short and sweet, love. One-word descriptors help you stay intentional.

6. What do you want to be known for?

When people hear your brand name what do you want them to say? I’m willing to bet that you have your own opinion when you hear, “Amazon” or “Google.” Like, “Amazon Prime has fast shipping” or “Google is great because you can literally find anything!” What do you want people to say about you?

7. What is your brand’s core values?

At the heart of it all – what does your brand stand for? For example: I believe that creative business owners should go all in and brand themselves unapologetically without being afraid of repelling the wrong people. What do you believe?

8. If you already have existing branding, why do you want to re-brand?

Is your branding lacking something? Is there anything in your current brand that is working for? What is it that isn’t working for you? If you don’t have any branding as of yet, try analyzing all the things you currently have put together like your social media or website and go from there.

9. What images come to mind when you think of designing your current brand?

This question isn’t meant for you to start thinking of graphics for your logo design or what colors you should be choosing for your palette. We’re so not there yet, love! Think of this as mind mapping – we are going to paint a picture and create your brand’s personality. Better yet! Grab some pencils and paper and literally draw this out. Visuals are always better.


10. What is the most important thing you want to communicate with your audience?

If your audience takes away anything from your brand, what do you want to be heard?

Answering these questions before you start designing your brand helps to lay a solid foundation for what we call “brand identity.” Knowing the answers to these questions helps you develop an intentional strategy for what you desire your visuals to be in effort to communicate and the effect you want them to have on your viewer.

Strategic design will help you look like a pro and help you start attracting those dream clients you’ve been waiting for.

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