5 Brand Mistakes to Avoid

Brand mistakes happen almost certainly with every person who tries to go at it on their own — and I can tell you firsthand the 5 mistakes I made when I knew oh-so-little so you can avoid the tragedy as well!

Common Pitfalls of Branding

Brand mistakes happen almost certainly with every person who tries to go at it on their own — and I can tell you firsthand the 5 mistakes I made when I knew oh-so-little so you can avoid the tragedy as well!

With every client, I try my best to reiterate over and over again the impact of brand identity on your business. From photography choices, Pantone’s, logo design and other elements you choose to represent you, that look and feel is “your” business. It’s what represents you when you can’t, where you can’t, and how you can’t so it is more than important to make sure you are building a foundation of excellent brand identity. Let’s remember the essentials …

Great design builds trust.

First impressions are everything. We’re all a little bit judgmental whether we like to admit it or not so when we first visit a website, look at a business card or take a peek at that advertisement in our mailbox we decide straight from the design whether we want to visit that establishment, purchase their products, or boycott them all together based on what we’re looking at.

For instance – when deciding on a new restaurant to try out; do you go with the restaurant that has a new, modern, user-friendly website with an up-to-date menu and online reservation system or do you go with the restaurant that is dated, has a poor function, and lists no menu at all? Industry-wide, the visual identity of any brand is a significant factor.

Major Mistake No.1

Undervaluing. Businesses tend to undervalue the impact of a quality brand identity. I have had numerous requests for web designs where the client has yet to establish their brand. Often times, it’s simply a matter of not knowing that a brand needs to be established or the true importance, but other times it’s a matter of cost where a client does not want to spend a little extra. Many want to skip the essential foundation building and just jump straight into constructing their abode. As a designer, it’s often difficult to put those pieces into place (for a website) when a client hasn’t determined what their brand is yet.

  1. What colors evoke your brand?
  2. What typefaces represent your brand?
  3. What photography represents your style?
  4. Every brand has a vision and before a website, a brand must exist.

Major Mistake No. 2

Purchasing a Pre-Made Logo. Ahhhhhh! Every designer’s nightmare. Literal nightmares have occurred and when a client says they have a pre-purchased logo from “Fiverr” or “Etsy” I want to vomit. These logos aren’t customized for you – they don’t represent your brand, your business values; they certainly won’t show quality which, really, is that the message you’re trying to convey? In 3 months when you decide you no longer think this logo is “cute,” what are you going to do? Replace it with another cheap logo? Mistake! Your brand needs quality and your clients/customers need consistency. Spend the appropriate amount of money in the beginning by hiring the appropriate person to do the job right.

Mistake No. 3

DIY … I’d Rather Die. A good majority of my clients have come to me because of this method. It’s not as easy as it sounds, and it can be insanely frustrating for those who aren’t exactly tech-savvy. What’s more frustrating for a designer is letting the technically-challenged into the completed site to “update” on their own and then getting to clean up the mess but that’s a whole other story J

I understand wanting to have complete control, especially when it comes to your own business, however, it’s often best to stick to doing what you know best and leaving the stuff you don’t up to somebody else. I’m excellent at web design so I spend my energy and resources focused in that department. I can’t cook worth a darn, so I outsource and eat out. Get my drift? I think it’s great that you may know how to use Photoshop to manipulate a photo or two, but when it comes to brand identity and web design, designers are best suited to represent your business and point in the right direction. Save yourself time, money, and hassle… just stick with us. We’ll keep you safe.

Mistake No. 4

The Flip-Flopper. One day you’re Shelley’s Place, next you’re Chateau Margaux. Constant revisions of your brand are drastic and are likely to not only confuse your customer/clientele base but lose a great majority of them as well. By sticking with one brand identity that is cohesive and true, it will reflect recognition and trust amongst your followers. So, let me reiterate again … getting your brand right the first time is imperative to avoid mistake No. 4.

Mistake No. 5

Patience is a Virtue. Building a brand identity can be overwhelming, especially if you’re trying to do it yourself so I urge you; no, I compel you, to ask for the assistance of a designer. Believe it or not, we know what we’re doing. If you think the process is going to be too hard and not for you and you simply just want to give up and cheat (a.k.a. premade websites and logos), ask yourself a few simple questions;

  1. What is my business’s vision?
  2. What is my business’s purpose?

You already know these answers, they shouldn’t be too hard. These questions define your business and they will ultimately define your brand.

Want to Avoid these Mistakes?

The best way to avoid these mistakes when it comes to branding your business in investing in the time it takes to brand your business properly before all of the other stuff happens (i.e. mailers, websites, advertisements, etc). Get a grasp on your vision and hire a quality designer who can give a face/voice to your brand that showcases you for you.

Looking for quality design from a top-notch designer? Let’s talk!

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